Saudi Hawks History

Saudi Hawks

The Royal Saudi Air Force aerobatic display team Saudi Hawks was formed on June 25, 1998 at King Abdul Aziz Air Base, as a part of 88 Squadron. At the beginning only four of the team's Hawk planes were equipped with three-color smoke generators (white, blue and red), but only three of them were painted in green and white colors. In fact to the team were added nine planes BAE Hawk Mk.65 and Mk.65A.

On Sept 27, 1998 during a four-ship practice one of the planes still in camouflage markings, landed rather heavily at the end of the sortie. The pilot ejected and the aircraft continued rolling slowly down the runway after the other three. It drifted to the left, departed the runway onto the desert floor, shedding various parts of the airframe as it did so. It lost the landing gear, smoke pod and a flap before finally coming to rest. Following a damage survey, the damage to the fuselage classified as Category 2. This aircraft was last seen sitting forlornly on trestles in a Dhahran hangar.

The team moved from King Abdul Aziz Air Base to King Faisal Air Base, Tabuk, in February 1999, along with the other RSAF Hawk Squadrons.

Saudi Hawks first public display was in January 1999 at Riyadh, the Saudi kingdom's capital, as part of Saudi Arabia's 100th anniversary celebrations.

In February 2000, the Saudi Hawks first appeared outside in Bahrain.

On 5 Feb 2002, two of the Saudi Hawks collided during formation landing and both pilots ejected safely.

During Air Power 2011 in Zeltweg held for July 1-2, the team flies for the first time in Europe.

At the presents, the team performed with six planes.

Saudi Hawks Saudi Hawks Saudi Hawks Saudi Hawks Saudi Hawks at Kavala Air and Sea Airshow, Greece 2014 Saudi Hawks

Aerobatic Teams

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Air Show Report