Royal Jordanian Falcons

Royal Jordanian Falcons Extra 300L

The “Royal Jordanian Falcons” are not entirely a military display team, but since they represent their country, they have been added in our military teams section.

The Royal Jordanian Falcons aerobatic team consists of 9 members - 5 pilots and 4 ground crew. Most of the team pilots are normally drawn from Jordanian Air Force, but over the years, the team has also hired and flown with civilian aerobatic pilots.

The team flies with four Extra 300L aerobatic aircraft each equipped with a white smoke system. The team also possesses a fifth Extra 300L as a spare aircraft.

The Royal Jordanian Falcons are based at the Aqaba airport, also known as King Hussein International Airport.

Royal Jordanian Falcons Extra 300L Royal Jordanian Falcons Extra 300L Royal Jordanian Falcons Extra 300L Royal Jordanian Falcons Extra 300L Royal Jordanian Falcons Extra 300L
