Black Eagles

South Korea
Black Eagles logo

The “Black Eagles” are the current Republic of Korea Air Force aerobatic display team flying eight black, white and gold colored KAI T-50B “Golden Eagle” jet aircraft.

From April 1st, 2013, the team received separate unit status as 53rd Air Demonstration Group from the 239th Aerobatic Flight Squadron at Wonju Air Base. Until then the "Black Eagles" were part of No. 238 Squadron from the 8th Wing based at Wonju Air Base. The team has a Commander and eight experienced demonstration pilots including formation members, a synchro pair and two solos.

All the "Black Eagles" T-50 aircraft are equipped with white smoke generators.

Black Eagles T-50 paint scheme Black Eagles T-50 Black Eagles T-50 Black Eagles T-50 Black Eagles T-50 Black Eagles pilots and technicians
